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Version: v4

Adding and removing query properties

Removing properties

To convert a standard query object to a JSON string containing only certain properties, you can take advantage of the second parameter of the JSON.stringify function.

const query: RuleGroupType = {
id: 'root',
combinator: 'and',
rules: [
field: 'firstName',
operator: '=',
value: 'Steve',

// This will leave off the `id` and `combinator` properties:
console.log(JSON.stringify(query, ['rules', 'field', 'operator', 'value']));
// '{"rules":[{"field":"firstName","operator":"=","value":"Steve"}]}'

The formatQuery function also provides a shortcut for producing a JSON string representing everything in the query except the id properties:

console.log(formatQuery(query, 'json_without_ids'));
// '{"combinator":"and","rules":[{"field":"firstName","operator":"=","value":"Steve"}]}'

Adding properties

To produce a query object with additional properties, you can loop through the rules array recursively. In the example below (from issue #226), the inputType from the fields array is added to each rule.

import type { Field, RuleGroupType, RuleType } from 'react-querybuilder';

const fields: Field[] = [
{ name: 'description', label: 'Description', inputType: 'string' },
{ name: 'price', label: 'Price', inputType: 'number' },

const processRule = (r: RuleType): RuleType & { inputType?: string } => ({
inputType: fields.find(f => === r.field)?.inputType,

const processGroup = (rg: RuleGroupType): RuleGroupType => ({
rules: => {
if ('field' in r) {
return processRule(r);
return processGroup(r);

const result = processGroup(query);