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Version: v4

Compatibility packages

The default React Query Builder components, being basic HTML5 form controls, are very flexible when it comes to styling (primarily through the controlClassnames prop). But some style libraries require different HTML structure to style their form controls correctly.


Official component packages compatible with several popular style libraries are available under the @react-querybuilder org on npm.

You can see each alternate component package in action by clicking the corresponding link on the demo page. The "Demo" links in the table below will load the demo with the respective style library preselected, and the CodeSandbox links will open with an editable example of the library preloaded.

Official siteCompatibility packageDemoCodeSandbox
Ant Design@react-querybuilder/antdDemoCodeSandbox
Chakra UI@react-querybuilder/chakraDemoCodeSandbox


Each compatibility package exports a *ControlElements object that can be used as the controlElements prop in <QueryBuilder />. Some packages also export a *ControlClassnames object for use as the controlClassnames prop.

This example uses the Bootstrap library:

import {
} from '@react-querybuilder/bootstrap';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css';
import { QueryBuilder } from 'react-querybuilder';
import { defaultQuery, fields } from './constants';

export function App() {
return (


Many of the compatibility components accept any props defined by the style library for the actual rendered component in addition to the standard props defined by react-querybuilder. This allows you to idiomatically customize the library component while leaving the integration with the query builder up to the compatibility component.

For example, the AntDActionElement component from @react-querybuilder/antd renders the Button component from antd, so it can accept properties of the ActionWithRulesProps interface from react-querybuilder and the ButtonProps interface from antd.

In the example below, the size prop is not available on ActionWithRulesProps, but it's accepted because it's one of antd's Button props (from the ButtonProps interface).

import { AntDActionElement, antdControlElements } from '@react-querybuilder/antd';
import { QueryBuilder, type ActionWithRulesProps } from 'react-querybuilder';

const MyAntDActionElement = (props: ActionWithRulesProps) => (
<AntDActionElement {...props} size="large" />

export const App = () => {
return (
addRuleAction: MyAntDActionElement,
addGroupAction: MyAntDActionElement,
cloneRuleAction: MyAntDActionElement,
cloneGroupAction: MyAntDActionElement,
lockRuleAction: MyAntDActionElement,
lockGroupAction: MyAntDActionElement,
removeRuleAction: MyAntDActionElement,
removeGroupAction: MyAntDActionElement,

This list shows which library components' props will be accepted by the compatibility components, in addition to those defined by react-querybuilder.

Compatibility componentBase propsRendered library component
AntDActionElementActionWithRulesPropsimport { Button } from 'antd'
AntDDragHandleDragHandlePropsimport { HolderOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'
AntDNotToggleNotTogglePropsimport { Switch } from 'antd'
AntDValueSelectorVersatileSelectorPropsimport { Select } from 'antd'
ChakraActionElementActionWithRulesPropsimport { Button } from '@chakra-ui/react'
ChakraDragHandleDragHandlePropsimport { IconButton } from '@chakra-ui/react'
ChakraNotToggleNotTogglePropsimport { Switch } from '@chakra-ui/react'
ChakraValueSelectorVersatileSelectorPropsimport { Select } from '@chakra-ui/react'
MaterialActionElementActionWithRulesPropsimport Button from '@mui/material/Button'
MaterialDragHandleDragHandlePropsimport DragIndicator from '@mui/icons-material/DragIndicator'
MaterialNotToggleNotTogglePropsimport Switch from '@mui/material/Switch'
MaterialValueSelectorVersatileSelectorPropsimport Select from '@mui/material/Select'