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Version: v6

Adding and removing query properties

Removing properties

To convert a standard query object to a JSON string containing only certain properties, you can take advantage of the second parameter of the JSON.stringify function.

const query: RuleGroupType = {
id: 'root',
combinator: 'and',
rules: [
field: 'firstName',
operator: '=',
value: 'Steve',

// This will leave off the `id` and `combinator` properties:
console.log(JSON.stringify(query, ['rules', 'field', 'operator', 'value']));
// '{"rules":[{"field":"firstName","operator":"=","value":"Steve"}]}'

The formatQuery function also provides a shortcut for producing a JSON string representing everything in the query except the id properties:

console.log(formatQuery(query, 'json_without_ids'));
// '{"combinator":"and","rules":[{"field":"firstName","operator":"=","value":"Steve"}]}'

Adding properties

To produce a query object with additional properties, you can loop through the rules array recursively. The transformQuery function is provided for use cases such as this.

In the example below (inspired by issue #226), the inputType from the fields array is added to each rule.

import type { Field, RuleGroupType, RuleType } from 'react-querybuilder';
import { transformQuery } from 'react-querybuilder';

const fields: Field[] = [
{ name: 'description', label: 'Description', inputType: 'string' },
{ name: 'price', label: 'Price', inputType: 'number' },

const ruleProcessor = (r: RuleType): RuleType & { inputType?: string } => ({
inputType: fields.find(f => === r.field)?.inputType,

const result = transformQuery(query, { ruleProcessor });
Manual recursion

This example (directly from issue #226) demonstrates manual recursion to achieve exactly the same result as the transformQuery example above.

import type { Field, RuleGroupType, RuleType } from 'react-querybuilder';

const fields: Field[] = [
{ name: 'description', label: 'Description', inputType: 'string' },
{ name: 'price', label: 'Price', inputType: 'number' },

const processRule = (r: RuleType): RuleType & { inputType?: string } => ({
inputType: fields.find(f => === r.field)?.inputType,

const processGroup = (rg: RuleGroupType): RuleGroupType => ({
rules: => {
if ('field' in r) {
return processRule(r);
return processGroup(r);

const result = processGroup(query);