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Version: v7

Maximizing rendering performance

Refer to the TypeScript reference page for information about the types and interfaces referenced below.


Each prop passed to QueryBuilder should have a stable reference or be memoized.

As of version 7, all QueryBuilder props, components, and derived values are aggressively memoized with React.memo, useMemo, useCallback, and immutability tools like immer. This can noticeably improve rendering performance for large queries, especially when using certain style libraries. To take advantage of these optimizations, every prop passed to QueryBuilder (except query, if used) must have a stable reference or at least be memoized. For related reasons, we encourage the use of QueryBuilder as an uncontrolled component (assign defaultQuery instead of query).

Avoiding common pitfalls

You can avoid unstable references by defining unchanging props, including object, array, and function definitions, outside the component rendering function. This commonly includes the fields array and onQueryChange callback. For props that must be defined inside the component, memoize them with useMemo or useCallback. In particular, avoid defining non-primitive props inline in the JSX.

  • ✓ DO define variables that will remain unchanged outside the component if possible.
  • ✓ DO memoize objects, arrays, and other values that must be created and/or calculated within the component with useMemo.
  • ✓ DO memoize functions that must be created within the component with useCallback.
  • ⚠ DO NOT define objects, arrays, or functions inline in the JSX prop declarations.
    • This includes subcomponents—see Custom component as closure.
    • Inline assignment of primitives like strings, numbers, and booleans is usually not a problem.


Some props implement more granular memoization. Internally, QueryBuilder individually memoizes each property of the objects passed to these props:

  • controlClassnames
  • controlElements
  • translations (even nested properties are memoized individually for translations)


"Bad" example

These patterns can be detrimental to the overall performance of QueryBuilder.

function App() {
const { t } = useTranslation(); // (<-- third-party i18n library)
// ⚠ Even though this `useState` call only sets the initial `query` value once, the object
// itself is still created on every render. This doesn't affect the stability of the reference,
// but it's probably a good idea to define the object outside the component anyway.
const [query, setQuery] = useState({ combinator: 'and', rules: [] });

// ❌ This function is not memoized and will get recreated on each render.
const getOperators = (field: Field) => t(defaultOperators);

return (
// ⚠ As a controlled component with potential for updates (not disabled), an unstable
// reference to `query` is unavoidable. This is generally not a problem, but using
// `defaultQuery` instead of `query` could avoid the issue entirely.
// ❌ Inline function definition. Also see note below about `useState`/`useReducer`.
onQueryChange={q => setQuery(q)}
// ❌ Inline definition of an array that doesn't change over time.
{ name: 'firstName', label: 'First Name' },
{ name: 'lastName', label: 'Last Name' },
// This function is not defined inline in the JSX, but it does not have a stable
// reference since it's recreated on each render (see its declaration above).
// ❌ Component function is defined inline and will be recreated during each render.
// This can also cause bugs like "input loses focus after each keystroke."
actionElement: props => <button onClick={props.handleOnClick}>{props.label}</button>,

"Good" example

Follow the patterns in this example to get the best performance from QueryBuilder.

// ✅ Fields array that never changes defined outside the component.
const fields: Field[] = [
{ name: 'firstName', label: 'First Name' },
{ name: 'lastName', label: 'Last Name' },

// ✅ Custom subcomponent defined outside the main component render function.
const MyActionElement = (props: ActionProps) => (
<button onClick={props.handleOnClick}>{props.label}</button>

// ✅ Default query, which is only access once, defined outside the component.
const defaultQuery: RuleGroupType = { combinator: 'and', rules: [] };

function App() {
const { t } = useTranslation(); // (<-- third-party i18n library)
// ✅ `useState` parameter (the initial value of `query`) defined outside the component.
const [query, setQuery] = useState(defaultQuery);

// ✅ Function defined inside the component memoized with `useCallback`. Since `t`
// _probably_ has a stable reference, this function will rarely, if ever, be recreated.
const getOperators = useCallback((field: Field) => t(defaultOperators), [t]);

return (
// ✅ The value passed to `defaultQuery` is only used once, so the stability of
// its reference is unimportant.
// ✅ `useState` setters and `useReducer` dispatchers always have stable references.
// ✅ `fields` array defined outside the component.
// ✅ Function memoized with `useCallback`.
// See "Exceptions" section above regarding the following props.
// ✅ Subcomponent defined outside the current component.
actionElement: MyActionElement,
// ✅ `translations` is memoized down to the sub-property level.
addGroup: {
label: 'Add Group',
addRule: {
label: 'Add Rule',