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Version: v7 / v8


Refer to the TypeScript reference page for information about the types and interfaces referenced below.

These Hooks are used internally by React Query Builder and are exported for use by custom components.

State access

React Query Builder uses Redux to manage state within a custom React context to avoid interfering with existing Redux stores.


Retrieves the full, latest query object for the nearest ancestor QueryBuilder component.

The optional parameter should only be used when retrieving a query object from a different QueryBuilder than the nearest ancestor. It can be a full props object as passed to a custom component or any object matching the interface { schema: { qbId: string } }.

function useQueryBuilderQuery(props?: { schema: { qbId: string } }): RuleGroupTypeAny;

As a React Hook, this function must follow the appropriate rules. It is intended to provide access to the current query during the render phase, not in an event handler.

To access the current query from an event handler, use props.schema.getQuery() instead.



Prefer useQueryBuilderQuery if you only need to access the query object for the nearest ancestor QueryBuilder component.

Returns the current query from the Redux store when used in conjunction with getQuerySelectorById (see example below).

function useQueryBuilderSelector(selector: (state: RqbState) => RuleGroupTypeAny): RuleGroupTypeAny;


const CustomValueEditor = (props: ValueEditorProps) => {
const fullQuery = useQueryBuilderSelector(getQuerySelectorById(props.schema.qbId));
// Here you can use utilities like `findPath(getParentPath(props.path), fullQuery)`.
// This allows you to, for example, inspect the parent group of the current rule.
// You can then count sibling rules, check for unique `field` selections, etc.
// That information can be used for validation, information to the user, or
// anything else in your render function.

Component logic

The core logic of each component is encapsulated in a reusable Hook. Each main component is itself little more than a call to its respective Hook and the JSX that utilizes the properties in the object returned from that Hook. This enables the creation of a custom presentation layer without having to copy the logic code from the default components.


The @react-querybuilder/native package is a good example of this concept. It calls the Hooks from its own query builder, rule group, and rule components, but nests the sub-components within React Native View elements instead of HTML div elements like the react-querybuilder components.


Called by the Rule component. See source code for returned properties.

function useRule(props: RuleProps): {
// See source code for returned properties


Called by the RuleGroup component. See source code for returned properties.

function useRuleGroup(props: RuleGroupProps): {
// See source code for returned properties


Called by the ValueEditor component. Accepts the same ValueEditorProps as the component and returns an object with the following properties: the value as an array, a multi-value handler, a processed version of the parseNumbers prop, and the classname(s) to be applied to each editor in editor series.

function useValueEditor(props: ValueEditorProps): {
valueAsArray: any[];
multiValueHandler: (val: string, idx: number) => void;
parseNumberMethod: ParseNumberMethod;
valueListItemClassName: string;

This Hook updates the value as a side effect if the following conditions are true:

  • skipHook is false (the value editors in the compatibility packages set this to true to avoid infinite loops)
  • inputType is "number"
  • operator is something other than "between", "notBetween", "in", or "notIn"
  • valueEditorType is not "multiselect"
  • value is an array or a string containing a comma (,) and at least one non-whitespace character on either side.

If all of these conditions are met, handleOnChange will be called with the first element of the array, or any characters before the first comma if value is a string.


Called by the ValueSelector component. Returns the given value as an array (untouched if already an array) and a memoized change handler.

function useValueSelector(
props: Pick<ValueSelectorProps, 'handleOnChange' | 'listsAsArrays' | 'multiple' | 'value'>
): {
onChange: (v: string | string[]) => void;
val?: string | any[];


Used by the ValueSelector component. Returns a memoized change handler specifically for HTML <select /> elements.

function useSelectElementChangeHandler(props: {
multiple?: boolean;
onChange: (v: string | string[]) => void;
}): (e: ChangeEvent<HTMLSelectElement>) => void;


Used by the ShiftActions component. Generates shiftUp and shiftDown methods to move a rule/group up or down, respectively, in the query hierarchy, as well as shiftUpDisabled/shiftDownDisabled to indicate whether either button should be disabled (shiftUpDisabled is true for the first rule/group in the root group; shiftDownDisabled is true for the last rule/group in the root group).

function useShiftActions(
props: { path: Path } & Pick<Schema, 'combinators' | 'dispatchQuery' | 'getQuery'>
): {
shiftDown: () => void;
shiftDownDisabled: boolean;
shiftUp: () => void;
shiftUpDisabled: boolean;


Used by the default Rule and RuleGroup components to prevent default behavior and stop propagation of events (e.g., a MouseEvent after clicking a <button>). Takes a function that accepts a MouseEvent and context parameters; returns a new function that calls event.preventDefault() and event.stopPropagation() before calling the original function with the same arguments.

function useStopEventPropagation(
method: (event: React.MouseEvent, context: any) => void
): (event: React.MouseEvent, context: any) => void;

This hook is not used in RuleNative and RuleGroupNative, the Rule and RuleGroup components for @react-querybuilder/native.


Returns everything needed to render a QueryBuilder component. Internally, this Hook simply passes the result of useQueryBuilderSetup to useQueryBuilderSchema and returns the result of useQueryBuilderSchema. The shape of the returned object is a union of the results of useQueryBuilderSchema and useQueryBuilderSetup (see below).

As with useQueryBuilderSchema, this Hook must be called from a descendant component of QueryBuilderStateProvider. See QueryBuilder source code for an example.


This Hook is unlikely to be necessary unless you are reimplementing the entire QueryBuilder component structure.


Called by the internal component rendered by QueryBuilder. Merges props and context values with the defaults and generates actions.


This Hook is unlikely to be necessary unless you are reimplementing the entire QueryBuilder component structure.

function useQueryBuilderSetup(props: QueryBuilderProps): {
qbId: qbId.current;
rqbContext: ReturnType<typeof useMergedContext>;
fields: OptionList<Field>;
fieldMap: Record<string, Field>;
combinators: OptionList<Combinator>;
getOperatorsMain: (field: string) => OptionList<Operator>;
getRuleDefaultOperator: (field: string) => string;
getValueEditorTypeMain: (field: string, operator: string) => ValueEditorType;
getValueSourcesMain: (field: string, operator: string) => ValueSources;
getValuesMain: (field: string, operator: string) => OptionList;
getRuleDefaultValue: (rule: RuleType) => any;
getInputTypeMain: (field: string, operator: string) => string;
createRule: () => RuleType;
createRuleGroup: () => RuleGroupTypeAny;


Called by the internal component rendered by QueryBuilder. Returns everything needed to render a wrapper element (e.g., <div>) and the root RuleGroup element based on the provided props and the result from useQueryBuilderSetup.

This Hook must be called from a descendant component of QueryBuilderStateProvider. See QueryBuilder source code for an example.


This Hook is unlikely to be necessary unless you are reimplementing the entire QueryBuilder component structure.

function useQueryBuilderSchema(
props: QueryBuilderProps,
setup: ReturnType<typeof useQueryBuilderSetup>
): QueryBuilderProps & {
actions: QueryActions;
rootGroup: RuleGroupTypeAny;
rootGroupDisabled: RuleGroupTypeAny;
queryDisabled: boolean;
rqbContext: ReturnType<typeof useMergedContext>;
schema: Schema;
translations: TranslationsFull;
wrapperClassName: string;
dndEnabledAttr: 'enabled' | 'disabled';
inlineCombinatorsAttr: 'enabled' | 'disabled';
combinatorPropObject: Pick<RuleGroupProps, 'combinator'>;

Other utilities


Merges the values inherited from the nearest ancestor QueryBuilderContext.Provider with the current component's props. For controlClassnames, controlElements, and translations, options that are not defined through either context or props will fall back to the defaults.

function useMergedContext(props: QueryBuilderContextProps): QueryBuilderContextProps;


Given a default value, a prop value, and a context value (all boolean or undefined), returns the first one that is not undefined in the order of (1) prop, (2) context, (3) default.

function usePreferProp(default: boolean, prop?: boolean, context?: boolean): boolean;


Returns the value of a prop or state variable from the previous render.

function usePrevious<T>(prop: T): T | null;


These Hooks log error messages to the console in certain situations (and only in "development" mode). They encourage correct usage of React Query Builder and are not intended to be used in custom components.


Logs an error to the console if any of the following are true:

  • Both query and defaultQuery props are defined.
  • The query prop is defined during one render and undefined in a subsequent render.
  • The query prop is undefined during one render and defined in a subsequent render.


Logs an error to the console if any of the following are true:

  • QueryBuilder is rendered with independentCombinators prop (see Independent combinators)
  • RuleGroup is rendered with combinator or rules props (deprecated in favor of ruleGroup)
  • Rule is rendered with field, operator, or value props (deprecated in favor of rule)


Logs an error to the console if the enableDragAndDrop prop is true but the react-dnd and react-dnd-html5-backend dependencies are not loaded.