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Custom bind variables


The specific method described below is not necessary in version 7 or later. The numberedParams option will achieve the same result.

Different SQL flavors have different requirements for bind variable placeholders. Some use a simple ? character (which is what formatQuery(query, 'parameterized') produces by default) and others require a bind variable placeholder to start with $ followed by a unique string or number.

The "parameterized_named" export format, along with the paramPrefix option, will usually be sufficient to cover the latter case. However, if the default parameter names (e.g. :fieldName_1) are not acceptable, you can use the "parameterized" format and replace the "?" with your choice of name.

The following code will produce a SQL string with each bind variable placeholder being numbered from "$1" to "$n", where n is the number of bind variables (also, appropriately, the number of elements in the params array).

let i = 0;
const fq = formatQuery(query, 'parameterized');
const fqWithNumberedParams = {
sql: fq.sql.replaceAll('?', () => `$${++i}`),

For example, if formatQuery(query, "parameterized") produced the following object:

"sql": "(firstName = ? and lastName = ?)",
"params": ["Steve", "Vai"]

...then the code above would assign the following object to the fqWithNumberedParams variable:

"sql": "(firstName = $1 and lastName = $2)",
"params": ["Steve", "Vai"]