TypeScript reference
These are some of the TypeScript types and interfaces you'll see throughout the documentation. Even if you are not using TypeScript (you really should! 😊), you can use the information below to understand the required shape of the props and function parameters. To see the full type definitions for the react-querybuilder
library, click here.
interface Field {
id?: string; // The field identifier (if not provided, then `name` will be used)
name: string; // REQUIRED - the field name
label: string; // REQUIRED - the field label
operators?: Operator[] | OptionGroup<Operator>[]; // Array of operators (if not provided, then `getOperators()` will be used)
valueEditorType?: ValueEditorType; // Value editor type for this field (if not provided, then `getValueEditorType()` will be used)
inputType?: string | null; // Input type for text box inputs, e.g. 'text', 'number', or 'date' (if not provided, then `getInputType()` will be used)
values?: OptionList; // Array of value options, applicable when valueEditorType is 'select' or 'radio' (if not provided, then `getValues()` will be used)
defaultOperator?: string; // Default operator for this field (if not provided, then `getDefaultOperator()` will be used)
defaultValue?: any; // Default value for this field (if not provided, then `getDefaultValue()` will be used)
placeholder?: string; // Value to be displayed in the placeholder of the text field
validator?: RuleValidator; // Called when a rule specifies this field
valueSources?: ValueSources | ((operator: string) => ValueSources); // List of allowed value sources (must contain "value", "field", or both)
comparator?: string | ((f: Field, operator: string) => boolean); // Determines which (other) fields to include in the list when valueSource is "field"
className?: Classname; // Assigned to rules where this field is selected
Click here for documentation on the available options for valueEditorType
Rules and groups​
type RuleType = {
path?: number[];
id?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
field: string;
operator: string;
value: any;
valueSource?: ValueSource;
type RuleGroupType = {
path?: number[];
id?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
combinator: string;
rules: (RuleType | RuleGroupType)[];
not?: boolean;
type RuleGroupTypeIC = {
path?: number[];
id?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
rules: (RuleType | RuleGroupTypeIC | string)[]; // see note below
not?: boolean;
type RuleGroupTypeAny = RuleGroupType | RuleGroupTypeIC;
type RuleOrGroupArray = RuleGroupType['rules'] | RuleGroupTypeIC['rules'];
is greatly simplified here for brevity. In reality, the following conditions will be enforced by TypeScript:
- All even indexes in the
array must be of typeRuleType
- All odd indexes in the
array must be of typestring
- The first and last elements of the
array must be of typeRuleType
(therefore the array length, unless it is zero, must be an odd number)
For example, the following would be invalid because the first element in the rules
array (the 0
th index, which should be RuleType | RuleGroupTypeIC
) is a string
, and the second element (the 1
st index, which should be a string
) is a RuleType
. Also, the length (2) is an even number.
const ruleGroupInvalid: RuleGroupTypeIC = {
rules: ['and', { field: 'firstName', operator: '=', value: 'Steve' }],
Either removing the first element or inserting another rule before it will resolve the issue:
const ruleGroupValid1: RuleGroupTypeIC = {
rules: [{ field: 'firstName', operator: '=', value: 'Steve' }],
// OR
const ruleGroupValid2: RuleGroupTypeIC = {
rules: [
{ field: 'lastName', operator: '=', value: 'Vai' },
{ field: 'firstName', operator: '=', value: 'Steve' },
type ExportFormat =
| 'json'
| 'sql'
| 'json_without_ids'
| 'parameterized'
| 'parameterized_named'
| 'mongodb'
| 'cel'
| 'jsonlogic'
| 'spel';
type ValueProcessor = (field: string, operator: string, value: any) => string;
interface FormatQueryOptions {
format?: ExportFormat;
valueProcessor?: ValueProcessor;
ruleProcessor?: RuleProcessor;
quoteFieldNamesWith?: string;
validator?: QueryValidator;
fields?: { name: string; validator?: RuleValidator; [k: string]: any }[];
fallbackExpression?: string;
paramPrefix?: string;
parseNumbers?: boolean;
placeholderFieldName?: string;
placeholderOperatorName?: string;
interface ParameterizedSQL {
sql: string;
params: any[];
interface ParameterizedNamedSQL {
sql: string;
params: { [p: string]: any };
interface ParserCommonOptions {
fields?: OptionList<Field> | Record<string, Field>;
getValueSources?: (field: string, operator: string) => ValueSources;
listsAsArrays?: boolean;
independentCombinators?: boolean;
interface ParseSQLOptions extends ParserCommonOptions {
paramPrefix?: string;
params?: any[] | Record<string, any>;
type ParseCELOptions = ParserCommonOptions;
type ParseJsonLogicOptions = ParserCommonOptions;
type ParseMongoDbOptions = ParserCommonOptions;
interface ValidationResult {
valid: boolean;
reasons?: any[];
interface ValidationMap {
[id: string]: boolean | ValidationResult;
type QueryValidator = (query: RuleGroupTypeAny) => boolean | ValidationMap;
type RuleValidator = (rule: RuleType) => boolean | ValidationResult;
// Formerly `NameLabelPair`
interface Option {
name: string;
label: string;
[x: string]: any;
interface OptionGroup {
label: string;
options: Option[];
type OptionList = Option[] | OptionGroup[];
interface Combinator extends Option {
className?: Classname; // Assigned to groups where this combinator is selected
interface Operator extends Option {
arity?: number | 'unary' | 'binary' | 'ternary';
className?: Classname; // Assigned to rules where this operator is selected
type ValueEditorType =
| 'text'
| 'select'
| 'checkbox'
| 'radio'
| 'textarea'
| 'multiselect'
| 'date'
| 'datetime-local'
| 'time'
| null;
type ValueSource = 'value' | 'field';
type ValueSources = ['value'] | ['value', 'field'] | ['field', 'value'] | ['field'];
interface Schema {
fields: Field[] | OptionGroup<Field>[];
fieldMap: { [k: string]: Field };
classNames: Classnames;
combinators: OptionList;
controls: Controls;
createRule(): RuleType;
createRuleGroup(): RuleGroupTypeAny;
getOperators(field: string): Operator[] | OptionGroup<Operator>[];
getValueEditorType(field: string, operator: string): ValueEditorType;
getValueSources(field: string, operator: string): ValueSources;
getInputType(field: string, operator: string): string | null;
getValues(field: string, operator: string): OptionList;
getRuleClassname(rule: RuleType): Classname;
getRuleGroupClassname(ruleGroup: RuleGroupTypeAny): Classname;
isRuleGroup(ruleOrGroup: RuleType | RuleGroupTypeAny): ruleOrGroup is RuleGroupTypeAny;
updateIndependentCombinator(value: string, path: number[]): void;
showCombinatorsBetweenRules: boolean;
showNotToggle: boolean;
showCloneButtons: boolean;
showLockButtons: boolean;
autoSelectField: boolean;
placeholderFieldName: string;
autoSelectField: boolean;
autoSelectOperator: boolean;
placeholderOperatorName: string;
addRuleToNewGroups: boolean;
enableDragAndDrop: boolean;
validationMap: ValidationMap;
independentCombinators: boolean;
listsAsArrays: boolean;
disabledPaths: number[][];
interface QueryActions {
onGroupAdd(group: RuleGroupTypeAny, parentPath: number[]): void;
onGroupRemove(path: number[]): void;
prop: Exclude<keyof RuleType | keyof RuleGroupType, 'id' | 'path'>,
value: any,
path: number[]
): void;
onRuleAdd(rule: RuleType, parentPath: number[]): void;
onRuleRemove(path: number[]): void;
moveRule(oldPath: number[], newPath: number[], clone?: boolean): void;