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Version: v4



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Use the parseSQL function to convert SQL SELECT statements into a format suitable for the <QueryBuilder /> component's query prop. The function signature is:

function parseSQL(sql: string, options?: ParseSQLOptions): RuleGroupTypeAny;

parseSQL takes a SQL SELECT statement (either the full statement or the WHERE clause by itself). Try it out in the demo by clicking the "Load from SQL" button.

The optional second parameter to parseSQL is an options object that configures how the function handles named or anonymous bind variables within the SQL string.

Click the "Import SQL" button in the demo to try it out.

Basic usage

Running any of the following statements will produce the same result (see below):

parseSQL(`SELECT * FROM t WHERE firstName = 'Steve' AND lastName = 'Vai'`);

parseSQL(`SELECT * FROM t WHERE firstName = ? AND lastName = ?`, {
params: ['Steve', 'Vai'],

parseSQL(`SELECT * FROM t WHERE firstName = :p1 AND lastName = :p2`, {
params: { p1: 'Steve', p2: 'Vai' },

parseSQL(`SELECT * FROM t WHERE firstName = $p1 AND lastName = $p2`, {
params: { p1: 'Steve', p2: 'Vai' },
paramPrefix: '$',

Output (RuleGroupType):

"combinator": "and",
"rules": [
"field": "firstName",
"operator": "=",
"value": "Steve"
"field": "lastName",
"operator": "=",
"value": "Vai"

Common Expression Language (CEL)

parseCEL takes a CEL string and converts it to RuleGroupType.

Click the "Import CEL" button in the demo to try it out.


parseJsonLogic takes a JsonLogic object and converts it to RuleGroupType.

Click the "Import JsonLogic" button in the demo to try it out.


Lists as arrays

To generate actual arrays instead of comma-separated strings for lists of values following IN and BETWEEN operators, use the listsAsArrays option.

parseSQL(`SELECT * FROM t WHERE lastName IN ('Vai', 'Vaughan') AND age BETWEEN 20 AND 100`, {
listsAsArrays: true;


"combinator": "and",
"rules": [
"field": "lastName",
"operator": "in",
"value": ["Vai", "Vaughan"]
"field": "age",
"operator": "between",
"value": [20, 100]

Independent combinators

When the independentCombinators option is true, parse* functions will output a query with combinator identifiers between sibling rules/groups.

parseSQL(`SELECT * FROM t WHERE firstName = 'Steve' AND lastName = 'Vai'`, {
independentCombinators: true,

Output (RuleGroupTypeIC):

"rules": [
"field": "firstName",
"operator": "=",
"value": "Steve"
"field": "lastName",
"operator": "=",
"value": "Vai"

Fields as value source

When the fields option (which accepts the same types as the fields prop) is provided, and only if it is provided, then parse* functions will validate clauses that have a field identifier to the right of the operator instead of a primitive value. A getValueSources function (with the same signature as the prop of the same name) can also be provided to help validate rules.

In order for such a rule to be considered valid, one of the following must be an array that includes the string "field": 1) the getValueSources return value, 2) the field's valueSources property return value, or 3) the field's valueSources property itself.

parseSQL(`SELECT * FROM t WHERE firstName = lastName`, {
fields: [
{ name: 'firstName', label: 'First Name' },
{ name: 'lastName', label: 'Last Name' },
getValueSources: () => ['value', 'field'],


"combinator": "and",
"rules": [
"field": "firstName",
"operator": "=",
"value": "lastName",
"valueSource": "field"

parse* functions will only validate clauses where "field" is the only value source. Operators that take multiple values, like "between" and "in", must only have field names to the right of the operator, not a mix of field names and primitive values.