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QueryBuilderContextProps<F, O>

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/propsUsingReact.ts:478

Props passed down through context from a QueryBuilderContextProvider.

Type Parameters

Type Parameter
F extends FullField
O extends string



optional controlClassnames: Partial<Classnames>

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/propsUsingReact.ts:494

This can be used to assign specific CSS classes to various controls that are rendered by QueryBuilder.


optional controlElements: Partial<{ actionElement: ComponentType<ActionProps>; addGroupAction: null | ComponentType<ActionWithRulesAndAddersProps>; addRuleAction: null | ComponentType<ActionWithRulesAndAddersProps>; cloneGroupAction: null | ComponentType<ActionWithRulesProps>; cloneRuleAction: null | ComponentType<ActionProps>; combinatorSelector: null | ComponentType<CombinatorSelectorProps>; dragHandle: null | ForwardRefExoticComponent<DragHandleProps & RefAttributes<HTMLElement>>; fieldSelector: null | ComponentType<FieldSelectorProps<F>>; inlineCombinator: null | ComponentType<InlineCombinatorProps>; lockGroupAction: null | ComponentType<ActionWithRulesProps>; lockRuleAction: null | ComponentType<ActionWithRulesProps>; notToggle: null | ComponentType<NotToggleProps>; operatorSelector: null | ComponentType<OperatorSelectorProps>; removeGroupAction: null | ComponentType<ActionWithRulesProps>; removeRuleAction: null | ComponentType<ActionProps>; rule: ComponentType<RuleProps<string, string>>; ruleGroup: ComponentType<RuleGroupProps<F, O>>; ruleGroupBodyElements: ComponentType<RuleGroupProps<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }, string> & { actions: QueryActions; combinator: string; context: any; disabled: boolean; dragMonitorId: string | symbol; dragRef: Ref<HTMLSpanElement>; dropEffect: DropEffect; dropMonitorId: string | symbol; dropRef: Ref<HTMLDivElement>; id: string; isDragging: boolean; isOver: boolean; not: boolean; parentDisabled: boolean; path: Path; previewRef: Ref<HTMLDivElement>; rules: RuleOrGroupArray; schema: Schema<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }, string>; shiftDownDisabled: boolean; shiftUpDisabled: boolean; translations: Translations; } & { accessibleDescription: string; addGroup: ActionElementEventHandler; addRule: ActionElementEventHandler; classNames: Pick<{ actionElement: string; addGroup: string; addRule: string; betweenRules: string; body: string; branches: string; cloneGroup: string; cloneRule: string; combinators: string; disabled: string; dndCopy: string; dndDragging: string; dndOver: string; dragHandle: string; fields: string; header: string; invalid: string; lockGroup: string; lockRule: string; notToggle: string; operators: string; queryBuilder: string; removeGroup: string; removeRule: string; rule: string; ruleGroup: string; shiftActions: string; valid: string; value: string; valueListItem: string; valueSelector: string; valueSource: string; }, "removeGroup" | "addRule" | "addGroup" | "combinators" | "notToggle" | "dragHandle" | "lockGroup" | "shiftActions" | "body" | "header" | "cloneGroup">; cloneGroup: ActionElementEventHandler; onCombinatorChange: ValueChangeEventHandler; onGroupAdd: (group: RuleGroupTypeAny, parentPath: Path, context?: any) => void; onIndependentCombinatorChange: (value: any, index: number, context?: any) => void; onNotToggleChange: (checked: boolean, context?: any) => void; outerClassName: string; pathsMemo: { disabled: boolean; path: Path; }[]; removeGroup: ActionElementEventHandler; ruleGroup: RuleGroupType<RuleType<string, string, any, string>, string> | RuleGroupTypeIC<RuleType<string, string, any, string>, string>; shiftGroupDown: (event?: MouseEvent<Element, MouseEvent>, context?: any) => void; shiftGroupUp: (event?: MouseEvent<Element, MouseEvent>, context?: any) => void; toggleLockGroup: ActionElementEventHandler; validationClassName: string; validationResult: boolean | ValidationResult; }>; ruleGroupHeaderElements: ComponentType<RuleGroupProps<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }, string> & { actions: QueryActions; combinator: string; context: any; disabled: boolean; dragMonitorId: string | symbol; dragRef: Ref<HTMLSpanElement>; dropEffect: DropEffect; dropMonitorId: string | symbol; dropRef: Ref<HTMLDivElement>; id: string; isDragging: boolean; isOver: boolean; not: boolean; parentDisabled: boolean; path: Path; previewRef: Ref<HTMLDivElement>; rules: RuleOrGroupArray; schema: Schema<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }, string>; shiftDownDisabled: boolean; shiftUpDisabled: boolean; translations: Translations; } & { accessibleDescription: string; addGroup: ActionElementEventHandler; addRule: ActionElementEventHandler; classNames: Pick<{ actionElement: string; addGroup: string; addRule: string; betweenRules: string; body: string; branches: string; cloneGroup: string; cloneRule: string; combinators: string; disabled: string; dndCopy: string; dndDragging: string; dndOver: string; dragHandle: string; fields: string; header: string; invalid: string; lockGroup: string; lockRule: string; notToggle: string; operators: string; queryBuilder: string; removeGroup: string; removeRule: string; rule: string; ruleGroup: string; shiftActions: string; valid: string; value: string; valueListItem: string; valueSelector: string; valueSource: string; }, "removeGroup" | "addRule" | "addGroup" | "combinators" | "notToggle" | "dragHandle" | "lockGroup" | "shiftActions" | "body" | "header" | "cloneGroup">; cloneGroup: ActionElementEventHandler; onCombinatorChange: ValueChangeEventHandler; onGroupAdd: (group: RuleGroupTypeAny, parentPath: Path, context?: any) => void; onIndependentCombinatorChange: (value: any, index: number, context?: any) => void; onNotToggleChange: (checked: boolean, context?: any) => void; outerClassName: string; pathsMemo: { disabled: boolean; path: Path; }[]; removeGroup: ActionElementEventHandler; ruleGroup: RuleGroupType<RuleType<string, string, any, string>, string> | RuleGroupTypeIC<RuleType<string, string, any, string>, string>; shiftGroupDown: (event?: MouseEvent<Element, MouseEvent>, context?: any) => void; shiftGroupUp: (event?: MouseEvent<Element, MouseEvent>, context?: any) => void; toggleLockGroup: ActionElementEventHandler; validationClassName: string; validationResult: boolean | ValidationResult; }>; shiftActions: null | ComponentType<ShiftActionsProps>; valueEditor: null | ComponentType<ValueEditorProps<F, O>>; valueSelector: ComponentType<ValueSelectorProps<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>>; valueSourceSelector: null | ComponentType<ValueSourceSelectorProps>; }>

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/propsUsingReact.ts:482

Defines replacement components.


optional debugMode: boolean

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/propsUsingReact.ts:511

Enables debug logging for QueryBuilder (and React DnD when applicable).




optional enableDragAndDrop: boolean

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/propsUsingReact.ts:505

Enables drag-and-drop features.




optional enableMountQueryChange: boolean

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/propsUsingReact.ts:489

Set to false to avoid calling the onQueryChange callback when the component mounts.




optional translations: Partial<Translations>

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/propsUsingReact.ts:499

This can be used to override translatable texts applied to the various controls that are rendered by QueryBuilder.


API documentation is generated from the latest commit on the main branch. It may be somewhat inconsistent with official releases of React Query Builder.