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Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:45

Options object shape for formatQuery.

Extended by



optional concatOperator: string & {} | "||" | "+" | "CONCAT"

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:210

Operator to use when concatenating wildcard characters and field names in "sql" format. The ANSI standard is ||, while SQL Server uses +. MySQL does not implement a concatenation operator by default, and therefore requires use of the CONCAT function.

If concatOperator is set to "CONCAT" (case-insensitive), the CONCAT function will be used. Note that Oracle SQL does not support more than two values in the CONCAT function, so this option should not be used in that context. The default setting ("||") is already compatible with Oracle SQL.




optional context: Record<string, any>

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:216


optional fallbackExpression: string

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:141

This string will be inserted in place of invalid groups for non-JSON formats. Defaults to '(1 = 1)' for "sql"/"parameterized"/"parameterized_named" and '$and:[{$expr:true}]' for "mongodb".


optional fieldIdentifierSeparator: string

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:107

When used in conjunction with the quoteFieldNamesWith option, field names will be split by this string, each part being individually processed as per the rules of the quoteFieldNamesWith configuration. The parts will then be re-joined by the same string.

A common value for this option is '.'.

A value of '' (the empty string) will disable splitting/rejoining.




formatQuery(query, {
format: 'sql',
quoteFieldNamesWith: ['[', ']'],
fieldIdentifierSeparator: '.',
// "[dbo].[Musicians].[First name] = 'Steve'"


optional fields: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; className: Classname | undefined; comparator: string | (f: { [key: string]: unknown; className: Classname | undefined; comparator: string | ((f: { [x: string]: unknown; label: string; disabled?: boolean | undefined; name: string; value: string; id?: string | undefined; operators?: FlexibleOptionList<{ [x: string]: unknown; value?: string | undefined; label: string; disabled?: boolean | undefined; name: string; }> | undefined; ... 9 more ...; cl...; defaultOperator: string; defaultValue: any; disabled: boolean; id: string; inputType: InputType | null | undefined; label: string; name: string; operators: FlexibleOptionList<{ [x: string]: unknown; value?: string | undefined; label: string; disabled?: boolean | undefined; name: string; }> | undefined; placeholder: string; validator: RuleValidator; value: string; valueEditorType: ValueEditorType | ((operator: string) => ValueEditorType) | undefined; values: FlexibleOptionList<{ [x: string]: unknown; value?: string | undefined; label: string; disabled?: boolean | undefined; name: string; }> | undefined; valueSources: ValueSources | ((operator: string) => ValueSources) | undefined; }, operator: string) => boolean; defaultOperator: string; defaultValue: any; disabled: boolean; id: string; inputType: InputType | null | undefined; label: string; name: string; operators: FlexibleOptionList<{ [x: string]: unknown; value?: string | undefined; label: string; disabled?: boolean | undefined; name: string; }> | undefined; placeholder: string; validator: RuleValidator; value: string; valueEditorType: ValueEditorType | ((operator: string) => ValueEditorType) | undefined; values: FlexibleOptionList<{ [x: string]: unknown; value?: string | undefined; label: string; disabled?: boolean | undefined; name: string; }> | undefined; valueSources: ValueSources | ((operator: string) => ValueSources) | undefined; }>

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:125

This can be the same FullField array passed to QueryBuilder, but really all you need to provide is the name and validator for each field.

The full field object from this array, where the field's identifying property matches the rule's field, will be passed to the rule processor.


optional format: ExportFormat

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:49

The ExportFormat.


optional numberedParams: boolean

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:173

Renders parameter placeholders as a series of sequential numbers instead of '?' like the default. This option will respect the paramPrefix option like the 'parameterized_named' format.




optional operatorProcessor: RuleProcessor

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:55

This function will be used to process the operator from each rule for query language formats. If not defined, the appropriate defaultOperatorProcessor* for the format will be used.


optional paramPrefix: string

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:148

This string will be placed in front of named parameters (aka bind variables) when using the "parameterized_named" export format.




optional paramsKeepPrefix: boolean

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:165

Maintains the parameter prefix in the params object keys when using the "parameterized_named" export format. Recommended when using SQLite.




console.log(formatQuery(query, {
format: "parameterized_named",
paramPrefix: "$",
paramsKeepPrefix: true
// { $firstName: "Stev" }
// Default (`paramsKeepPrefix` is `false`):
// { firstName: "Stev" }


optional parseNumbers: ParseNumbersPropConfig

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:185

Renders values as either number-types or unquoted strings, as appropriate and when possible. Each string-type value is evaluated against numericRegex to determine if it can be represented as a plain numeric value. If so, parseFloat is used to convert it to a number.


optional placeholderFieldName: string

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:191

Any rules where the field is equal to this value will be ignored.




optional placeholderOperatorName: string

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:197

Any rules where the operator is equal to this value will be ignored.




optional preserveValueOrder: boolean

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:178

Preserves the order of values for "between" and "notBetween" rules, even if a larger value comes before a smaller value (which will always evaluate to false).


optional preset: SQLPreset

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:214

Option presets to maximize compatibility with various SQL dialects.


optional quoteFieldNamesWith: string | [string, string]

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:86

In the "sql", "parameterized", "parameterized_named", and "jsonata" export formats, field names will be bracketed by this string. If an array of strings is passed, field names will be preceded by the first element and succeeded by the second element.

Tip: Use fieldIdentifierSeparator to bracket identifiers individually within field names.


'' // the empty string


formatQuery(query, { format: 'sql', quoteFieldNamesWith: '"' })
// `"First name" = 'Steve'`
formatQuery(query, { format: 'sql', quoteFieldNamesWith: ['[', ']'] })
// "[First name] = 'Steve'"


optional quoteValuesWith: string

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:112

Character to use for quoting string values in the SQL format.




optional ruleProcessor: RuleProcessor

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:67

This function will be used to process each rule for query language formats. If not defined, the appropriate defaultRuleProcessor* for the format will be used.


optional validator: QueryValidator

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:117

Validator function for the entire query. Can be the same function passed as validator prop to QueryBuilder.


optional valueProcessor: ValueProcessorLegacy | ValueProcessorByRule

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:61

This function will be used to process the value from each rule for query language formats. If not defined, the appropriate defaultValueProcessor* for the format will be used.



optional getOperators(field: string, misc: { fieldData: { [key: string]: unknown; className: Classname; comparator: string | (f: { [key: string]: unknown; className: Classname; comparator: string | ((f: { [x: string]: unknown; label: string; disabled?: boolean | undefined; name: string; value: string; id?: string | undefined; operators?: FlexibleOptionList<{ [x: string]: unknown; value?: string | undefined; label: string; disabled?: boolean | undefined; name: string; }> | undefined; ... 9 more ...; cl...; defaultOperator: string; defaultValue: any; disabled: boolean; id: string; inputType: null | InputType; label: string; name: string; operators: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>; placeholder: string; validator: RuleValidator; value: string; valueEditorType: ValueEditorType | (operator: string) => ValueEditorType; values: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>; valueSources: ValueSources | (operator: string) => ValueSources; }, operator: string) => boolean; defaultOperator: string; defaultValue: any; disabled: boolean; id: string; inputType: null | InputType; label: string; name: string; operators: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>; placeholder: string; validator: RuleValidator; value: string; valueEditorType: ValueEditorType | (operator: string) => ValueEditorType; values: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>; valueSources: ValueSources | (operator: string) => ValueSources; }; }): null | FlexibleOptionList<FullOperator<string>>

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/types/importExport.ts:132

This can be the same getOperators function passed to QueryBuilder.

The full operator object from this array, where the operator's identifying property matches the rule's operator, will be passed to the rule processor.


misc{ fieldData: { [key: string]: unknown; className: Classname; comparator: string | (f: { [key: string]: unknown; className: Classname; comparator: string | ((f: { [x: string]: unknown; label: string; disabled?: boolean | undefined; name: string; value: string; id?: string | undefined; operators?: FlexibleOptionList<{ [x: string]: unknown; value?: string | undefined; label: string; disabled?: boolean | undefined; name: string; }> | undefined; ... 9 more ...; cl...; defaultOperator: string; defaultValue: any; disabled: boolean; id: string; inputType: null | InputType; label: string; name: string; operators: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>; placeholder: string; validator: RuleValidator; value: string; valueEditorType: ValueEditorType | (operator: string) => ValueEditorType; values: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>; valueSources: ValueSources | (operator: string) => ValueSources; }, operator: string) => boolean; defaultOperator: string; defaultValue: any; disabled: boolean; id: string; inputType: null | InputType; label: string; name: string; operators: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>; placeholder: string; validator: RuleValidator; value: string; valueEditorType: ValueEditorType | (operator: string) => ValueEditorType; values: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>; valueSources: ValueSources | (operator: string) => ValueSources; }; }
misc.fieldData{ [key: string]: unknown; className: Classname; comparator: string | (f: { [key: string]: unknown; className: Classname; comparator: string | ((f: { [x: string]: unknown; label: string; disabled?: boolean | undefined; name: string; value: string; id?: string | undefined; operators?: FlexibleOptionList<{ [x: string]: unknown; value?: string | undefined; label: string; disabled?: boolean | undefined; name: string; }> | undefined; ... 9 more ...; cl...; defaultOperator: string; defaultValue: any; disabled: boolean; id: string; inputType: null | InputType; label: string; name: string; operators: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>; placeholder: string; validator: RuleValidator; value: string; valueEditorType: ValueEditorType | (operator: string) => ValueEditorType; values: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>; valueSources: ValueSources | (operator: string) => ValueSources; }, operator: string) => boolean; defaultOperator: string; defaultValue: any; disabled: boolean; id: string; inputType: null | InputType; label: string; name: string; operators: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>; placeholder: string; validator: RuleValidator; value: string; valueEditorType: ValueEditorType | (operator: string) => ValueEditorType; values: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>; valueSources: ValueSources | (operator: string) => ValueSources; }
misc.fieldData.comparator?string | (f: { [key: string]: unknown; className: Classname; comparator: string | ((f: { [x: string]: unknown; label: string; disabled?: boolean | undefined; name: string; value: string; id?: string | undefined; operators?: FlexibleOptionList<{ [x: string]: unknown; value?: string | undefined; label: string; disabled?: boolean | undefined; name: string; }> | undefined; ... 9 more ...; cl...; defaultOperator: string; defaultValue: any; disabled: boolean; id: string; inputType: null | InputType; label: string; name: string; operators: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>; placeholder: string; validator: RuleValidator; value: string; valueEditorType: ValueEditorType | (operator: string) => ValueEditorType; values: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>; valueSources: ValueSources | (operator: string) => ValueSources; }, operator: string) => boolean
misc.fieldData.inputType?null | InputType
misc.fieldData.operators?FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>
misc.fieldData.valueEditorType?ValueEditorType | (operator: string) => ValueEditorType
misc.fieldData.values?FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>
misc.fieldData.valueSources?ValueSources | (operator: string) => ValueSources


null | FlexibleOptionList<FullOperator<string>>


API documentation is generated from the latest commit on the main branch. It may be somewhat inconsistent with official releases of React Query Builder.