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getValueSourcesUtil<F, O>(fieldData: F, operator: string, getValueSources?: (field: GetOptionIdentifierType<F>, operator: O, misc: { fieldData: F; }) => ValueSources): ValueSources

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/utils/getValueSourcesUtil.ts:19

Utility function to get the value sources array for the given field and operator. If the field definition does not define a valueSources property, the getValueSources prop is used. Returns ["value"] by default.

Type Parameters

Type Parameter
F extends { [key: string]: unknown; className: Classname; comparator: string | (f: { [key: string]: unknown; className: Classname; comparator: string | ((f: { [x: string]: unknown; label: string; disabled?: boolean | undefined; name: string; value: string; id?: string | undefined; operators?: FlexibleOptionList<{ [x: string]: unknown; value?: string | undefined; label: string; disabled?: boolean | undefined; name: string; }> | undefined; ... 9 more ...; cl...; defaultOperator: string; defaultValue: any; disabled: boolean; id: string; inputType: null | InputType; label: string; name: string; operators: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>; placeholder: string; validator: RuleValidator; value: string; valueEditorType: ValueEditorType | (operator: string) => ValueEditorType; values: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>; valueSources: ValueSources | (operator: string) => ValueSources; }, operator: string) => boolean; defaultOperator: string; defaultValue: any; disabled: boolean; id: string; inputType: null | InputType; label: string; name: string; operators: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>; placeholder: string; validator: RuleValidator; value: string; valueEditorType: ValueEditorType | (operator: string) => ValueEditorType; values: FlexibleOptionList<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }>; valueSources: ValueSources | (operator: string) => ValueSources; }
O extends string


getValueSources?(field: GetOptionIdentifierType<F>, operator: O, misc: { fieldData: F; }) => ValueSources




API documentation is generated from the latest commit on the main branch. It may be somewhat inconsistent with official releases of React Query Builder.