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RuleGroupBodyComponents(props: RuleGroupProps<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }, string> & { actions: QueryActions; combinator: string; context: any; disabled: boolean; dragMonitorId: string | symbol; dragRef: Ref<HTMLSpanElement>; dropEffect: DropEffect; dropMonitorId: string | symbol; dropRef: Ref<HTMLDivElement>; id: string; isDragging: boolean; isOver: boolean; not: boolean; parentDisabled: boolean; path: Path; previewRef: Ref<HTMLDivElement>; rules: RuleOrGroupArray; schema: Schema<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }, string>; shiftDownDisabled: boolean; shiftUpDisabled: boolean; translations: Translations; } & { accessibleDescription: string; addGroup: ActionElementEventHandler; addRule: ActionElementEventHandler; classNames: Pick<{ actionElement: string; addGroup: string; addRule: string; betweenRules: string; body: string; branches: string; cloneGroup: string; cloneRule: string; combinators: string; disabled: string; dndCopy: string; dndDragging: string; dndOver: string; dragHandle: string; fields: string; header: string; invalid: string; lockGroup: string; lockRule: string; notToggle: string; operators: string; queryBuilder: string; removeGroup: string; removeRule: string; rule: string; ruleGroup: string; shiftActions: string; valid: string; value: string; valueListItem: string; valueSelector: string; valueSource: string; }, "removeGroup" | "addRule" | "addGroup" | "combinators" | "notToggle" | "dragHandle" | "lockGroup" | "shiftActions" | "body" | "header" | "cloneGroup">; cloneGroup: ActionElementEventHandler; onCombinatorChange: ValueChangeEventHandler; onGroupAdd: (group: RuleGroupTypeAny, parentPath: Path, context?: any) => void; onIndependentCombinatorChange: (value: any, index: number, context?: any) => void; onNotToggleChange: (checked: boolean, context?: any) => void; outerClassName: string; pathsMemo: { disabled: boolean; path: Path; }[]; removeGroup: ActionElementEventHandler; ruleGroup: RuleGroupType<RuleType<string, string, any, string>, string> | RuleGroupTypeIC<RuleType<string, string, any, string>, string>; shiftGroupDown: (event?: MouseEvent<Element, MouseEvent>, context?: any) => void; shiftGroupUp: (event?: MouseEvent<Element, MouseEvent>, context?: any) => void; toggleLockGroup: ActionElementEventHandler; validationClassName: string; validationResult: boolean | ValidationResult; }): ReactNode

Defined in: packages/react-querybuilder/src/components/RuleGroup.tsx:295

Renders a React.Fragment containing an array of either (1) Rule and RuleGroup, or (2) Rule, RuleGroup, and InlineCombinator.


propsRuleGroupProps<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }, string> & { actions: QueryActions; combinator: string; context: any; disabled: boolean; dragMonitorId: string | symbol; dragRef: Ref<HTMLSpanElement>; dropEffect: DropEffect; dropMonitorId: string | symbol; dropRef: Ref<HTMLDivElement>; id: string; isDragging: boolean; isOver: boolean; not: boolean; parentDisabled: boolean; path: Path; previewRef: Ref<HTMLDivElement>; rules: RuleOrGroupArray; schema: Schema<{ [key: string]: unknown; disabled: boolean; label: string; name: string; value: string; }, string>; shiftDownDisabled: boolean; shiftUpDisabled: boolean; translations: Translations; } & { accessibleDescription: string; addGroup: ActionElementEventHandler; addRule: ActionElementEventHandler; classNames: Pick<{ actionElement: string; addGroup: string; addRule: string; betweenRules: string; body: string; branches: string; cloneGroup: string; cloneRule: string; combinators: string; disabled: string; dndCopy: string; dndDragging: string; dndOver: string; dragHandle: string; fields: string; header: string; invalid: string; lockGroup: string; lockRule: string; notToggle: string; operators: string; queryBuilder: string; removeGroup: string; removeRule: string; rule: string; ruleGroup: string; shiftActions: string; valid: string; value: string; valueListItem: string; valueSelector: string; valueSource: string; }, "removeGroup" | "addRule" | "addGroup" | "combinators" | "notToggle" | "dragHandle" | "lockGroup" | "shiftActions" | "body" | "header" | "cloneGroup">; cloneGroup: ActionElementEventHandler; onCombinatorChange: ValueChangeEventHandler; onGroupAdd: (group: RuleGroupTypeAny, parentPath: Path, context?: any) => void; onIndependentCombinatorChange: (value: any, index: number, context?: any) => void; onNotToggleChange: (checked: boolean, context?: any) => void; outerClassName: string; pathsMemo: { disabled: boolean; path: Path; }[]; removeGroup: ActionElementEventHandler; ruleGroup: RuleGroupType<RuleType<string, string, any, string>, string> | RuleGroupTypeIC<RuleType<string, string, any, string>, string>; shiftGroupDown: (event?: MouseEvent<Element, MouseEvent>, context?: any) => void; shiftGroupUp: (event?: MouseEvent<Element, MouseEvent>, context?: any) => void; toggleLockGroup: ActionElementEventHandler; validationClassName: string; validationResult: boolean | ValidationResult; }




API documentation is generated from the latest commit on the main branch. It may be somewhat inconsistent with official releases of React Query Builder.