Interface | Description |
ActionProps | Props passed to every action component (rendered as <button> by default). |
ActionWithRulesAndAddersProps | Props passed to every action component that adds a rule or group. |
ActionWithRulesProps | Props passed to every group action component. |
AddOptions | Options for add. |
BaseOption | Do not use this type directly; use Option, ValueOption, or FullOption instead. For specific option types, you can use FullField, FullOperator, or FullCombinator, all of which extend FullOption. |
Classnames | Classnames applied to each component. |
CombinatorSelectorProps | Props for combinatorSelector components. |
CommonRuleAndGroupProperties | Properties common to both rules and groups. |
CommonRuleSubComponentProps | Base interface for all rule subcomponents. |
CommonSubComponentProps | Base interface for all subcomponents. |
DefaultRuleGroupTypeIC | RuleGroupTypeIC with combinators limited to DefaultCombinatorName and rules limited to DefaultRuleType. |
DragCollection | - |
DragHandleProps | Props for dragHandle components. |
DropCollection | - |
DropResult | - |
FieldSelectorProps | Props for fieldSelector components. |
FormatQueryOptions | Options object shape for formatQuery. |
FullOperator | Full operator definition used in the operators /getOperators props of QueryBuilder. This type requires both name and value , but the operators /getOperators props themselves can use a FlexibleOption where only one of name or value is required, or FullOperator where only name is required. |
InlineCombinatorProps | Props passed to inlineCombinator components. |
InsertOptions | Options for insert. |
MoveOptions | Options for move. |
NotToggleProps | Props for notToggle components. |
OperatorSelectorProps | Props for operatorSelector components. |
OptionGroup | A group of Options, usually within an OptionList. |
ParameterizedNamedSQL | Object produced by formatQuery for the "parameterized_named" format. |
ParameterizedSQL | Object produced by formatQuery for the "parameterized" format. |
ParseCELOptions | Options object for parseCEL!parseCEL. |
ParseJSONataOptions | Options object for parseJSONata!parseJSONata. |
ParseJsonLogicOptions | Options object for parseJsonLogic!parseJsonLogic. |
ParseMongoDbOptions | Options object for parseMongoDB!parseMongoDB. |
ParseNumberOptions | Options object for parseNumber. |
ParseSpELOptions | Options object for parseSpEL!parseSpEL. |
ParseSQLOptions | Options object for parseSQL!parseSQL. |
PreparerOptions | Options for prepareRule/prepareRuleGroup. |
QueryActions | Functions included in the actions prop passed to every subcomponent. |
QueryBuilderContextProps | Props passed down through context from a QueryBuilderContextProvider. |
RegenerateIdOptions | Options object for regenerateID/regenerateIDs. |
RQBJsonLogicEndsWith | - |
RQBJsonLogicStartsWith | - |
RQBJsonLogicVar | - |
RuleGroupProps | RuleGroup props. |
RuleGroupType | The main rule group type. This type is used for query definitions as well as all sub-groups of queries. |
RuleGroupTypeIC | The main rule group interface when using independent combinators. This type is used for query definitions as well as all sub-groups of queries. |
RuleProps | Rule props. |
RuleType | The main rule type. The field , operator , and value properties can be narrowed with generics. |
Schema | Configuration options passed in the schema prop from QueryBuilder to each subcomponent. |
SelectorOrEditorProps | Base interface for selectors and editors. |
ShiftActionsProps | Props passed to shiftActions components. |
Translation | A translation for a component with title only. |
Translations | The shape of the translations prop. |
TranslationWithLabel | A translation for a component with title and label . |
TranslationWithPlaceholders | A translation for a component with title and a placeholder. |
UpdateOptions | Options for update. |
UseControlledOrUncontrolledParams | - |
UseRuleDnD | Return type of @react-querybuilder/dnd!useRuleDnD hook. |
UseRuleGroupDnD | Return type of @react-querybuilder/dnd!useRuleGroupDnD hook. |
UseSelectElementChangeHandlerParams | - |
ValidationResult | Object with a valid boolean value and optional reasons . |
ValueEditorProps | Props passed to valueEditor components. |
ValueProcessorOptions | Options object for ValueProcessorByRule functions. |
ValueSelectorProps | Props for all value selector components. |
ValueSourceSelectorProps | Props for valueSourceSelector components. |
Type Aliases
Type alias | Description |
AccessibleDescriptionGenerator | Signature of accessibleDescriptionGenerator prop, used by QueryBuilder to generate accessible descriptions for each RuleGroup. |
ActionElementEventHandler | - |
Arity | Allowed values of the FullOperator property arity . A value of "unary" or a number less than two will cause the default ValueEditor to render null . |
BaseFullOption | This type is identical to FullOption but without the unknown index property. Extend from this type instead of FullOption directly. |
BaseOptionMap | Map of option identifiers to their respective Option. |
Classname | String of classnames, array of classname strings, or object where the keys are classnames and those with truthy values will be included. Suitable for passing to the clsx package. |
Combinator | Combinator definition used in the combinators prop of QueryBuilder. This type is an extension of FullCombinator where only name and label are required. |
CombinatorByValue | Combinator definition used in the combinators prop of QueryBuilder. This type is an extension of FullCombinator where only value and label are required. |
ControlElementsProp | - |
Controls | Subcomponents. |
DefaultCombinator | A FullCombinator definition with a DefaultCombinatorName name property. |
DefaultCombinatorExtended | A FullCombinator definition with a DefaultCombinatorNameExtended name property. |
DefaultCombinatorName | Default allowed values for the combinator property. |
DefaultCombinatorNameExtended | Default allowed values for the combinator property, plus "xor" . |
DefaultCombinators | - |
DefaultCombinatorsExtended | - |
DefaultOperator | An FullOperator definition with a DefaultOperatorName name property. |
DefaultOperatorName | Default values for the operator property. |
DefaultOperators | - |
DefaultRuleGroupArray | The type of the rules array in a DefaultRuleGroupType. |
DefaultRuleGroupICArray | The type of the rules array in a DefaultRuleGroupTypeIC. |
DefaultRuleGroupType | RuleGroupType with the combinator property limited to DefaultCombinatorNameExtended and rules limited to DefaultRuleType. |
DefaultRuleGroupTypeAny | Shorthand for "either DefaultRuleGroupType or DefaultRuleGroupTypeIC". |
DefaultRuleOrGroupArray | Shorthand for "either DefaultRuleGroupArray or DefaultRuleGroupICArray". |
DefaultRuleType | RuleType with the operator property limited to DefaultOperatorName. |
DndDropTargetType | - |
DraggedItem | - |
DropEffect | - |
ExportFormat | Available export formats for formatQuery. |
ExportObjectFormats | - |
Field | Field definition used in the fields prop of QueryBuilder. This type is an extension of FullField where only name and label are required. |
FieldByValue | Field definition used in the fields prop of QueryBuilder. This type is an extension of FullField where only value and label are required. |
FindPathReturnType | Return type for findPath. |
FlexibleOption | A generic Option with either a name or value as its primary identifier. OptionList-type props on the QueryBuilder component accept this type, but corresponding props passed down to subcomponents will always be translated to FullOption first. |
FlexibleOptionGroup | A group of BaseOptions, usually within a FlexibleOptionList. |
FlexibleOptionList | An array of options or option groups, like OptionList, but the option type may use either name or value as the primary identifier. |
FullCombinator | Full combinator definition used in the combinators prop of QueryBuilder. This type requires both name and value , but the combinators prop itself can use a FlexibleOption where only one of name or value is required, or Combinator where only name is required. |
FullField | Full field definition used in the fields prop of QueryBuilder. This type requires both name and value , but the fields prop itself can use a FlexibleOption where only one of name or value is required (along with label ), or Field where only name and label are required. |
FullOption | A generic Option requiring both name and value properties. Props that extend OptionList accept BaseOption, but corresponding props sent to subcomponents will always be translated to this type first to ensure both name and value are available. |
FullOptionList | An array of options or option groups, like OptionList, but using FullOption instead of Option. This means that every member is guaranteed to have both name and value . |
FullOptionMap | Map of option identifiers to their respective FullOption. |
FullOptionRecord | Map of option identifiers to their respective FullOption. Must include all possible strings from the identifier type. |
GetCompatContextProviderProps | - |
GetOptionIdentifierType | Extracts the type of the identifying property from a Option, ValueOption, or FullOption. |
GetOptionType | Extracts the Option type from a FlexibleOptionList. |
GetRuleGroupType | Determines if a type extending RuleGroupTypeAny is actually RuleGroupType or RuleGroupTypeIC. |
GetRuleTypeFromGroupWithFieldAndOperator | Determines the RuleType of a given RuleGroupType or RuleGroupTypeIC. If the field and operator name types of the rule type extend the identifier types of the provided Field and Operator types, the given rule type is returned as is. Otherwise, the rule type has its field and operator types narrowed to the identifier types of the provided Field and Operator types. |
InputType | HTML5 input types |
JsonLogicAnd | - |
JsonLogicDoubleNegation | - |
JsonLogicEqual | - |
JsonLogicGreaterThan | - |
JsonLogicGreaterThanOrEqual | - |
JsonLogicInArray | - |
JsonLogicInString | - |
JsonLogicLessThan | - |
JsonLogicLessThanOrEqual | - |
JsonLogicNegation | - |
JsonLogicNotEqual | - |
JsonLogicOr | - |
JsonLogicReservedOperations | - |
JsonLogicRulesLogic | - |
JsonLogicStrictEqual | - |
JsonLogicStrictNotEqual | - |
JsonLogicVar | - |
- | |
Operator | Operator definition used in the operators /getOperators props of QueryBuilder. This type is an extension of FullOperator where only name and label are required. |
OperatorByValue | Operator definition used in the operators /getOperators props of QueryBuilder. This type is an extension of FullOperator where only value and label are required. |
Option | A generic option. Used directly in OptionList or as the child element of an OptionGroup. |
OptionList | Either an array of Options or an array of OptionGroups. |
ParseNumberMethod | Parsing algorithms used by parseNumber. |
ParseNumbersPropConfig | Options for the parseNumbers prop of QueryBuilder. |
Path | - |
QueryBuilderContextProvider | - |
QueryBuilderContextProviderProps | - |
QueryBuilderProps | Props for QueryBuilder. |
QueryValidator | Function that validates a query. |
RemoveNullability | Utility type to make all properties non-nullable. |
RQBJsonLogic | JsonLogic rule object with additional operators generated by formatQuery and accepted by parseJsonLogic!parseJsonLogic. |
RqbState | - |
RqbStore | - |
RuleGroupArray | The type of the rules array in a RuleGroupType. |
RuleGroupICArray | The type of the rules array in a RuleGroupTypeIC. |
RuleGroupTypeAny | Shorthand for "either RuleGroupType or RuleGroupTypeIC". |
RuleOrGroupArray | Shorthand for "either RuleGroupArray or RuleGroupICArray". |
RuleProcessor | Function to produce a result that formatQuery uses when processing a RuleType object. |
RuleValidator | Function that validates a rule. |
SQLPreset | - |
ToFlexibleOption | Utility type to turn an Option, ValueOption, or BaseOption into a FlexibleOption. |
ToFullOption | Utility type to turn an Option, ValueOption or BaseOption into a FullOption. |
TranslationsFull | The full translations interface with all properties required. |
UpdateableProperties | All updateable properties of rules and groups (everything except id , path , and rules ). |
UseMergedContextProps | - |
UseMergedContextReturn | - |
UseQueryBuilderSchema | - |
UseQueryBuilderSetup | - |
UseRule | - |
UseRuleGroup | - |
UseValueSelectorParams | - |
ValidationMap | Map of rule/group id to its respective ValidationResult. |
ValueChangeEventHandler | - |
ValueEditorType | Type of ValueEditor that will be displayed. |
ValueOption | Like Option but requiring value instead of name . |
ValueProcessor | - |
ValueProcessorByRule | Function that produces a processed value for a given RuleType. |
ValueProcessorLegacy | Function that produces a processed value for a given field , operator , value , and valueSource . |
ValueSource | A source for the value property of a rule. |
ValueSourceOptions | - |
ValueSources | A valid array of potential value sources. |
VersatileSelectorProps | Utility type representing props for selector components that could potentially be any of the standard selector types. |
WithRequired | Utility type to make one or more properties required. |
WithUnknownIndex | Adds an unknown index property to an interface. |
Variable | Description |
celCombinatorMap | Maps a DefaultCombinatorName to a CEL combinator. |
defaultCombinators | Default combinator list. |
defaultCombinatorsExtended | Default combinator list, with XOR added. |
defaultControlClassnames | Default classnames for each component. |
defaultControlElements | Default components used by QueryBuilder. |
defaultJoinChar | Default character used to .join and .split arrays. |
defaultOperatorNegationMap | Map of default operators to their respective opposite/negating operators. |
defaultOperators | Default operator list. |
defaultPlaceholderFieldGroupLabel | Default label for placeholder option group in the fields array. |
defaultPlaceholderFieldLabel | Default label for placeholder option in the fields array. |
defaultPlaceholderFieldName | Default name for placeholder option in the fields array. |
defaultPlaceholderLabel | - |
defaultPlaceholderName | - |
defaultPlaceholderOperatorGroupLabel | Default label for placeholder option group in the operators array. |
defaultPlaceholderOperatorLabel | Default label for placeholder option in the operators array. |
defaultPlaceholderOperatorName | Default name for placeholder option in the operators array. |
defaultTranslations | Default configuration of translatable strings. |
groupInvalidReasons | Default reason codes for a group being invalid. |
jsonLogicAdditionalOperators | Register these operators with jsonLogic before applying the result of formatQuery(query, 'jsonlogic') . |
LogType | - |
messages | - |
mongoOperators | Maps a DefaultOperatorName to a MongoDB operator. |
numericRegex | Regex matching numeric strings. Passes for positive/negative integers, decimals, and E notation, with optional surrounding whitespace. |
queryBuilderStore | - |
rootPath | The Path of the root group. |
sqlDialectPresets | - |
standardClassnames | Standard classnames applied to each component. |
TestID | Component identifiers for testing. |
Function | Description |
ActionElement | Default <button> component used by QueryBuilder. |
add | Adds a rule or group to a query. |
convertFromIC | Converts a RuleGroupTypeIC to RuleGroupType. |
convertQuery | Converts a RuleGroupType to RuleGroupTypeIC. For a more explicit operation, use convertToIC. |
convertToIC | Converts a RuleGroupType to RuleGroupTypeIC. |
defaultRuleProcessorCEL | Default rule processor used by formatQuery for "cel" format. |
defaultRuleProcessorElasticSearch | Default rule processor used by formatQuery for "elasticsearch" format. |
defaultRuleProcessorJSONata | Default rule processor used by formatQuery for "jsonata" format. |
defaultRuleProcessorJsonLogic | Default rule processor used by formatQuery for "jsonlogic" format. |
defaultRuleProcessorMongoDB | Default rule processor used by formatQuery for "mongodb" format. |
defaultRuleProcessorMongoDBQuery | Default rule processor used by formatQuery for "mongodb_query" format. |
defaultRuleProcessorParameterized | Default rule processor used by formatQuery for "sql" format. |
defaultRuleProcessorSpEL | Default rule processor used by formatQuery for "spel" format. |
defaultRuleProcessorSQL | Default rule processor used by formatQuery for "sql" format. |
defaultValidator | This is an example validation function you can pass to QueryBuilder in the validator prop. It assumes that you want to validate groups, and has a no-op for validating rules which you can replace with your own implementation. |
defaultValueProcessorByRule | Default value processor used by formatQuery for "sql" format. |
DragHandle | Defaut drag handle component used by QueryBuilder when enableDragAndDrop is true . |
filterFieldsByComparator | For a given FullField, returns the fields list filtered for other fields that match by comparator . Only fields other than the one in question will ever be included, even if comparator is null or undefined . If comparator is a string, fields with the same value for that property will be included. If comparator is a function, each field will be passed to the function along with the operator and fields for which the function returns true will be included. |
findPath | Returns the RuleType or RuleGroupType/RuleGroupTypeIC at the given path within a query. |
formatQuery | Generates a formatted (indented two spaces) JSON string from a query object. |
generateAccessibleDescription | - |
generateID | Default id generator. Generates a valid v4 UUID. Uses crypto.randomUUID() when available, otherwise uses an alternate method based on getRandomValues . The returned string is guaranteed to match this regex: /^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-4[0-9A-F]{3}-[89AB][0-9A-F]{3}-[0-9A-F]{12}$/i |
getCommonAncestorPath | Finds the deepest/longest path that two paths have in common. |
getCompatContextProvider | Generates a context provider for a compatibility package. |
getFirstOption | Gets the first option from an OptionList. |
getOption | Gets the option from an OptionList with the given name . Handles Option arrays as well as OptionGroup arrays. |
getParentPath | Truncates the last element of an array and returns the result as a new array. |
getParseNumberMethod | - |
getQuerySelectorById | Given a qbId (passed to every component as part of the schema prop), returns a Redux selector for use with useQueryBuilderSelector. |
getQuotedFieldName | Given a field name and relevant ValueProcessorOptions, returns the field name wrapped in the configured quote character(s). |
getQuoteFieldNamesWithArray | Converts the quoteFieldNamesWith option into an array of two strings. If the option is a string, the array elements are both that string. |
getValidationClassNames | Gets the standard classname for valid or invalid components based on the given validation result. |
getValueSourcesUtil | Utility function to get the value sources array for the given field and operator. If the field definition does not define a valueSources property, the getValueSources prop is used. Returns ["value"] by default. |
InlineCombinator | Default inlineCombinator component used by QueryBuilder. A small <div> wrapper around the combinatorSelector component, used when either showCombinatorsBetweenRules or independentCombinators are true . |
insert | Inserts a rule or group into a query. |
isAncestor | Determines if the first path is an ancestor of the second path. The first path must be shorter and exactly match the second path up through the length of the first path. |
isFlexibleOptionArray | Determines if an array is a flat array of FlexibleOption. |
isFlexibleOptionGroupArray | Determines if a FlexibleOptionList is a FlexibleOptionGroup array. |
isFullOptionArray | Determines if an array is a flat array of FullOption. |
isFullOptionGroupArray | Determines if a FlexibleOptionList is a OptionGroup array of FullOption. |
isOptionGroupArray | Determines if an OptionList is an OptionGroup array. |
isPojo | Determines if a variable is a plain old JavaScript object, aka POJO. |
isRuleGroup | Determines if an object is a RuleGroupType or RuleGroupTypeIC. |
isRuleGroupType | Determines if an object is a RuleGroupType. |
isRuleGroupTypeIC | Determines if an object is a RuleGroupTypeIC. |
isRuleOrGroupValid | Determines if a rule or group is valid based on a validation result (if defined) or a validator function. Returns true if neither are defined. |
isValidationResult | Determines if an object is useful as a validation result. |
isValidValue | Determines whether a value is anything except an empty string or NaN . |
isValueProcessorLegacy | Used by formatQuery to determine whether the given value processor is a "legacy" value processor by counting the number of arguments. Legacy value processors take 3 arguments (not counting any arguments with default values), while rule-based value processors take no more than 2 arguments. |
joinWith | Joins an array of strings using the given character (see defaultJoinChar). When the given character appears in an array element, a backslash will be added just before it to distinguish it from the join character. Effectively the inverse of splitBy. |
mapSQLOperator | Maps a DefaultOperatorName to a SQL operator. |
mergeClassnames | Merges a list of partial Classnames definitions into a single definition. |
mergeTranslation | - |
mergeTranslations | Merges any number of partial Translations into a single definition. |
move | Moves a rule or group from one path to another. In the options parameter, pass { clone: true } to copy instead of move. |
NotToggle | Default notToggle (aka inversion) component used by QueryBuilder. |
nullFreeArray | Determines if an array is free of null /undefined . |
nullOrUndefinedOrEmpty | Simple helper to determine whether a value is null, undefined, or an empty string. |
numerifyValues | Converts all string -type value properties of a query object into number where appropriate. |
objectEntries | A strongly-typed version of Object.entries() . |
objectKeys | A strongly-typed version of Object.keys() . |
parseNumber | Converts a string to a number. Uses native parseFloat if parseNumbers is "native", otherwise uses numeric-quantity . If that returns NaN , the string is returned unchanged. Numeric values are returned as-is regardless of the parseNumbers option. |
pathIsDisabled | Determines if the rule or group at the specified path is either disabled itself or disabled by an ancestor group. |
pathsAreEqual | Determines if two paths (each Path ) are equivalent. |
preferProp | - |
prepareRule | Ensures that a rule is valid by adding an id property if it does not already exist. |
prepareRuleGroup | Ensures that a rule group is valid by recursively adding an id property to the group itself and all its rules and subgroups where one does not already exist. |
prepareRuleOrGroup | Ensures that a rule or group is valid. See prepareRule and prepareRuleGroup. |
QueryBuilder | The query builder component for React. |
QueryBuilderContext | Context provider for QueryBuilder. Any descendant query builders will inherit the props from a context provider. |
QueryBuilderStateContext | - |
QueryBuilderStateProvider | Context provider for the {@link QueryBuilder} state store. |
regenerateID | Generates a new id property for a rule. |
regenerateIDs | Recursively generates new id properties for a group and all its rules and subgroups. |
remove | Removes a rule or group from a query. |
Rule | Default component to display RuleType objects. This is actually a small wrapper around RuleComponents. |
RuleComponents | Renders a React.Fragment containing an array of form controls for managing a RuleType. |
RuleGroup | Default component to display RuleGroupType and RuleGroupTypeIC objects. This is actually a small wrapper around RuleGroupHeaderComponents and RuleGroupBodyComponents. |
RuleGroupBodyComponents | Renders a React.Fragment containing an array of either (1) Rule and RuleGroup, or (2) Rule, RuleGroup, and InlineCombinator. |
RuleGroupHeaderComponents | Renders a React.Fragment containing an array of form controls for managing a RuleGroupType or RuleGroupTypeIC. |
ShiftActions | Default "shift up"/"shift down" buttons used by QueryBuilder. |
shouldRenderAsNumber | Determines whether formatQuery should render the given value as a number. As long as parseNumbers is true , number and bigint values will return true and string values will return true if they test positive against numericRegex. |
splitBy | Splits a string by a given character (see defaultJoinChar). Escaped characters (characters preceded by a backslash) will not apply to the split, and the backslash will be removed in the array element. Inverse of joinWith. |
toArray | Splits a string by comma then trims each element. Arrays are returned as is except any string elements are trimmed. |
toFlatOptionArray | Flattens FlexibleOptionGroup arrays into BaseOption arrays. If the array is already flat, it is returned as is. |
toFullOption | Converts an Option or ValueOption (i.e., BaseOption) into a FullOption. Full options are left unchanged. |
toFullOptionList | Converts an OptionList or FlexibleOptionList into a FullOptionList. Lists of full options are left unchanged. |
toFullOptionMap | Converts a FlexibleOptionList into a FullOptionList. Lists of full options are left unchanged. |
toOptions | Generates an array of <option> or <optgroup> elements from a given OptionList. |
trimIfString | Trims the value if it is a string. Otherwise returns the value as is. |
uniqByIdentifier | Generates a new array of objects with duplicates removed based on the identifying property (value or name ) |
- | |
uniqOptGroups | Generates a new OptionGroup array with duplicates removed based on the identifying property (value or name ). |
uniqOptList | Generates a new Option or OptionGroup array with duplicates removed based on the identifier property (value or name ). |
update | Updates a property of a rule or group within a query. |
useControlledOrUncontrolled | Logs a warning when the component changes from controlled to uncontrolled, vice versa, or both query and defaultQuery are provided. |
useDeprecatedProps | Logs an error to the console if any of the following are true: - QueryBuilder is rendered with an independentCombinators prop - RuleGroup is rendered with combinator or rules props (deprecated in favor of ruleGroup ) - Rule is rendered with field , operator , or value props (deprecated in favor of rule ) |
useMergedContext | Merges inherited context values with props, giving precedence to props. |
usePreferAnyProp | For given default, prop, and context values, return the first provided of prop, context, and default, in that order. |
usePreferProp | For given default, prop, and context values, return the first provided of prop, context, and default, in that order. |
usePrevious | Returns the prop value from the last render. |
useQueryBuilder | Calls useQueryBuilderSetup to massage the props and prepare basic update/generate methods, then passes the result to useQueryBuilderSchema to prepare and return all values required to render QueryBuilder. |
useQueryBuilderQuery | Retrieves the full, latest query object for the nearest ancestor QueryBuilder component. |
useQueryBuilderSchema | For given QueryBuilderProps and setup values from useQueryBuilderSetup, prepares and returns all values required to render a query builder. |
useQueryBuilderSelector | A Redux useSelector hook for RQB's internal store. See also getQuerySelectorById. |
useQueryBuilderSetup | Massages the props as necessary and prepares the basic update/generate methods for use by the QueryBuilder component. |
useReactDndWarning | Logs a warning if drag-and-drop is enabled but the required dependencies (react-dnd and react-dnd-html5-backend ) were not detected. |
useRule | Prepares all values and methods used by the Rule component. |
useRuleGroup | Prepares all values and methods used by the RuleGroup component. |
useSelectElementChangeHandler | Returns a memoized change handler for HTML <select> elements. |
useStopEventPropagation | Wraps an event handler function in another function that calls event.preventDefault() and event.stopPropagation() first. The returned function accepts and forwards a second context argument. |
useValueEditor | This hook is primarily concerned with multi-value editors like date range pickers, editors for 'in' and 'between' operators, etc. |
useValueSelector | Transforms a value into an array when appropriate and provides a memoized change handler. |
ValueEditor | Default valueEditor component used by QueryBuilder. |
ValueSelector | Default <select> component used by QueryBuilder. |
Renames and re-exports QueryBuilder
Re-exports defaultCELValueProcessor
Re-exports defaultMongoDBValueProcessor
Re-exports defaultSpELValueProcessor
Re-exports defaultValueProcessor
Re-exports defaultValueProcessorCELByRule
Re-exports defaultValueProcessorMongoDBByRule
Re-exports defaultValueProcessorSpELByRule
Re-exports transformQuery
Re-exports TransformQueryOptions
API documentation is generated from the latest commit on the main
branch. It may be somewhat inconsistent with official releases of React Query Builder.